JAKARTA - There was no PDIP and NasDem Party presence in a meeting between President Joko Widodo and the head of the government coalition political party at the PAN DPP Office today.

PAN General Chairperson (Ketum) Zulkifli Hasan confirmed that he had invited PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri and NasDem Chairman Surya Paloh to this event. However, both of them were unable to attend and could not be represented.

"Indeed, this (meeting) asks for (presences) all general chairmen. Mbak Mega and Bang Surya are abroad again," said Zulhas at the PAN DPP Office, South Jakarta, Sunday, April 2.

The Minister of Trade said that the meeting of general chairmen of political parties included in the government coalition ahead of the 2024 General Election will be continued in the future.

"Yes, the process is still long, yes, because (meetings) on the 2nd have been planned for a long time," he said.

Jokowi's meeting with the general chairman of this political party, said Zulhas, became their moment of friendship in the month of Ramadan.

Zulhas admitted that the meeting also discussed the potential for the merger of a major coalition between Golkar-PAN-PPP in the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) and Gerindra-PKB in the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR).

"Today we visit the holy month of Ramadan. Not just political pleasantries, We want to increase our spirituality so that it is solid, national commitment, then solidity of the commitment of togetherness to solve the basic problems of our nation, national issues, and of course the sustainability of development," explained Zulhas.

"It can be seen, of course there will be further discussions about the grand coalition, how the presidential candidate is. It's a trip, there's a time," he added.

After the event, Jokowi also opened his voice about the opportunity to merge KIB and KKIR in the 2024 General Election. "(Including KIB and KKIR) is suitable," Jokowi replied when asked after the meeting at the PAN DPP Office.

However, Jokowi was reluctant to reveal further about the contents of the discussion on the formation of the grand coalition. According to him, the formation of a major coalition is the authority of the general chairman of the party.

"Those who speak are party leaders. I'm part of listening. I just say it fits. It's up to the party heads or the combination of party leaders. For the good of the state for the good of the nation for the people, things related can be discussed, it will be better," Jokowi continued.

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