JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is the first person to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the national vaccination program which starts today. The president received the Sinovac type vaccine directly from the Vice Chairman of the Presidential Medical Team Prof. Dr. Abdul Muthalib who is also a lecturer at the University of Indonesia.

From VOI's monitoring through the live broadcast of the First COVID-19 Vaccination in Indonesia broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Abdul's hands were shaking while carrying out his duties.

He was visibly shaking as he rubbed alcohol on Jokowi's arm before injecting the vaccine. His hands also looked shaky when holding the injection just before putting the vaccine into Jokowi's body. Abdul was still visibly shaking when he applied alcohol and put a bandage over the injection site.

After the injection of the vaccine, Abdul was asked about his shaking hands. He replied that it was natural because this was the first vaccination process in Indonesia.

However, he ensured that the vaccine process to Jokowi's body was running well and smoothly.

"Because he was the first person in Indonesia. But that problem did not become an obstacle for me in the injection. The injection was not a problem, no longer shaking when the injection was made. At first it was a bit shaking," he said.

"Earlier, it was smooth, there was no problem. In fact, there was no bleeding at all at the injection site," Abdul continued.

It doesn't hurt at all

There is a strong message that President Jokowi wants to convey by being the first person to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia. As if to reveal to the public that this vaccine is safe, the president set a commendable example for all people in the country to emulate.

"It doesn't hurt at all," said Jokowi.

In this vaccination process, President Joko Widodo had to go through four medical stages. First is registration and data verification.

Second, screening medical history, then the injection stage, and the last stage is the monitoring stage for 30 minutes after injection to determine the effect of vaccine administration. In VOI's monitoring, after this vaccine process the president seemed to be doing his normal activities as usual.

Thank you President Joko Widodo

After giving the vaccine, Jokowi thanked all those who took part in this process. Among them, representatives from the health sector, religious representatives, market traders, businessmen, hunters, teachers and health workers.

"Thank you for working with me earlier on the vaccine," said President Jokowi.

Jokowi mentioned a number of representatives, including from the Indonesian Doctors Association, the Indonesian Ulema Council, Muhammadiyah figures, Nahdlatul Ulama figures, the Indonesian Teachers Association, the Indonesian National Virgin Association.

Then, the Indonesian Midwives Association, the Association of Churches in Indonesia, the Indonesian Bishops Conference, the Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, Permabudhi, and the Indonesian Confucian Religion Council.

He added that after this vaccine was carried out, vaccinations would be continued in all provinces throughout the country.

President Jokowi also ensured that the vaccines used had obtained permission from the BPOM and had also issued a halal fatwa from the MUI.

"This COVID vaccination is important to break the chain of transmission of the corona virus and provide health protection to us and safety, security for all of us, the people of Indonesia and helping economic recovery," said Jokowi.

The president did not forget to remind that after vaccination, discipline on health protocols must also be carried out, namely wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping your distance and avoiding crowds.

"I would also like to thank Abdul Muttalib who had injected me with the vaccine," he said.

4 stages that must be passed in the process of injecting the COVID-19 vaccine

In the injection process, it is known that prospective vaccine recipients must go through four main stages before being declared medically safe.

The first is patient data collection. At this stage, participants are required to verify their identity as the first requirement for vaccine administration. If judged to meet the requirements, participants will be given permission to continue the next process.

Second, is a health condition screening. Here, participants will be asked to take blood pressure checks. If the blood pressure is normal and does not exceed 140 then this stage can be passed. In addition, participants also checked the body temperature, whether they were in a healthy range or not. Then, the officer will ask about the participant's medical history.

Referring to the medical officer interview with President Joko Widodo just before the injection of the vaccine, the questions asked about health in the last seven days. Then, have you ever been confirmed positive for COVID-19, do you have a history of congenital diseases that are classified as severe or not, to the health condition of your closest family.

After being deemed safe, participants were then asked to take part in the third stage, namely the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. In this section, medical personnel are obliged to show new and sterile syringes to patients as an absolute requirement for health care.

The last stage is final reporting. Participants who have undergone the previous three stages are required to submit vaccine recipient documents to the officer as a report. In this final part, participants were asked to wait for 30 minutes to find out the effect of the vaccine that had been injected.

If it is considered that there is no problem, the participant will be allowed to go home after being given a new document for further treatment. Participants are required to carry out the second dose of vaccination two weeks after the first injection by bringing the previous documents.

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