DPR Receives Surpres Candidate For Chief Of Police: Kabareskrim Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo
DPR leadership receives a presidential letter regarding the replacement of the National Police Chief (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) received a Presidential Letter regarding the name of the candidate for Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Surpres number: R-02 / Pres / 01/2021 was conveyed by the Minister of State Secretary Pratikno to the Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Puan Maharani, at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 13.

"On this day, President Joko Widodo has submitted a proposal from the Chief of Police to the Indonesian Parliament, on behalf of Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to obtain DPR approval," Puan said in his official statement.

State Minister Pratikno arrived at the Parliament Building at around 10.45 WIB. Meanwhile, Puan was accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Rachmat Gobel, and Aziz Syamsudin, when receiving the Surpres.

"The current change of the Chief of Police is following the cycle of term of office that has ended and thus it is necessary to appoint a new Chief of Police," said Puan.

Puan explained, according to the provisions in Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian Police, that the National Police Chief was appointed and dismissed by the President with the approval of the Indonesian Parliament.

In providing an opinion on the President's proposed National Police Chief, said Puan, the Indonesian Parliament will pay attention to various aspects and dimensions that can give confidence that the proposed Chief of Police meets the requirements.

These requirements include administrative requirements, competence, professionalism, and commitment in guarding Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, NKRI, and Bineka Tunggal Ika.

"Furthermore, the approval granting process will be carried out according to the DPR's internal mechanism," said Puan.

The internal mechanism of the DPR as referred to by Puan is preceded by a Leadership Meeting, a Deliberative Council Meeting, notification of the entry of a Presidential Letter concerning the Nomination of the National Police Chief and the assignment of the relevant Commission, namely Commission III to conduct a fit and proper test.

"The results of the fit and proper test at Commission III will be brought back to the Plenary Session to get approval from the Council," said the first woman who became Chair of the Indonesian Parliament.

"This process will be taken for 20 (twenty) days, starting from the date the President's letter was received by the House of Representatives," Puan continued.

He added that the DPR would carry out all of this in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the applicable mechanisms until it was known whether the Chief of Police proposed by the President had received approval from the DPR.

Puan continued, the role of the Indonesian National Police is very important in maintaining security and public order, law enforcement, protection, protection, and services to the community.

"The leadership of the National Police is very important in directing, carrying and building an increasingly advanced, modern and authoritative Indonesian Police institution," he said.

Puan hopes that the National Police in the future can increase the professionalism of personnel, better public services, and a sense of security in the community.

"Every momentum for the change of the National Police Chief will always be accompanied by the hopes of the people that the National Police can manifest itself as an institution that has integrity in protecting the people," continued Puan.

Meanwhile, Pratikno hopes that the DPR will immediately follow up on this Surpres within the next 20 days.

"We hope that it can be faster than that so that we get a definitive police chief. Of course the results of the process in the DPR, we are very much looking forward to agreeing with what the president has proposed," he said.

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