JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) commemorates its 21st anniversary with the theme 'Accelerated War on Drugs Towards a Shining Indonesia'.

Through the acceleration of War on Drugs, it is hoped that it can increase enthusiasm and motivation in order to encourage mutual awareness in the fight against drugs in accordance with the BNN RI Strategic Plan for 2020-2024.

Head of BNN Petrus Reinhard Golose said that his party is always committed to becoming a trustworthy and accountable institution in its efforts to suppress supply reduction and demand reduction.

This is by strengthening the Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Circulation of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN) through four approaches. The four are:

1. Soft power approach by preventing, empowering the community, and rehab, 2. Hard power approach through eradication, 3. Smart power approach through IT development and research, as well as 4. Cooperation through inter-ministerial/institutional, private and international cooperation.

"As an effort to accelerate War on Drugs this year, we made several creative breakthroughs to inflame War on Drugs to all levels of society, such as the Sing Against Drugs, Dancing Against Drugs, Running Against Drugs, Smash on Drugs, and Shooting Against Drugs activities," Golose said in his official statement, quoted Thursday, March 23.

On this occasion, Golose also expressed his highest appreciation to all ministries/agencies, regional heads, and Forkopimda who have helped a lot in carrying out BNN duties in their respective regions.

Appreciation is also conveyed to all BNN employees for all the hard work, dedication, and loyalty that are dedicated to save the nation's next generation from the threat of narcotics. "Your efforts are great in heaven," he concluded.

For your information, the birthday of BNN RI has been determined through the Decree of the Head of BNN RI number: Kep/1316/XII/KA/HK.01.04/2021/BNN, dated December 30, 2021.

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