Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata admitted that he had conveyed to other KPK leaders that he knew former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

He ensured that there would be no conflict of interest in the investigation into the jumbo assets of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani's subordinates.

"In the meeting to discuss the RAT case, I have also conveyed that I know the person concerned well," Alexander said when confirmed by reporters, Thursday, March 16.

Alexander believes that investigators and employees of the anti-corruption commission are professional figures. They will not be easily intervened.

Moreover, there are already several colleagues throughout his alma mater at the State Accounting College (STAN) who have been arrested by the KPK. Thus, Alexander ensured that the investigation into Rafael Alun's jumbo assets would not be disrupted.

"Before the RAT case, there were three friends of my class (in STAN, ed) who were processed at the KPK in the previous leadership era," he said.

"Investigators or professional KPK investigators. Leaders will not intervene," continued Alexander.

As previously reported, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) suspects a potential conflict of interest in the process of investigating Rafael Alun's assets. This suspicion arose because Rafael and Alexander both came from STAN.

"A number of information from one of the KPK leaders, Alexander Marwata, allegedly graduated from STAN education in the same year as Rafael, namely in 1986," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement to VOI, Wednesday, March 15.

Kurnia thinks that the phase of the investigation into Rafael Alun's assets must be free from conflicts of interest. Anyone who has a close relationship with Mario Dandy's father must declare a potential conflict of interest.

The declaration was also called Kurnia, in accordance with Article 10 paragraph (3) letter a of Commission Regulation Number 5 of 2019. "Alexander must openly declare his potential conflict of interest to other KPK leaders and the Supervisory Board," he said.

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