BOGOR - ASR (17), the main actor in the stabbing case against SA at the Pomad red light, is still being sought by the police, aka a fugitive. ASR is known to be a recidivist in a mugging crime case.

Meanwhile, two other perpetrators with the initials MA (17) and SA (18) have been arrested by the police at two different locations.

Bogor City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso said that the MA perpetrators were arrested in the Lebak Regency area, Banten Province, while SA was arrested in the Babakanmadang area, Bogor Regency, West Java.

From the hands of the two perpetrators, the police confiscated evidence in the form of a gobang-type sharp weapon, three mobile phones, and a white motorcycle with police number F 5946 FFV.

"In his role, the SA perpetrator played the role of disposing of Gobang's evidence which was used to slash the victim," said Bismo, Wednesday, March 15

For their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with a prison sentence of 15 years, with the alleged article Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 paragraph (3) of Law Number 3 of 2014 and Article 338 of the Criminal Code.

Based on the confessions of the two perpetrators, they took the action because they were provoked by fellow victims who challenged them via social media. So they look for it in random ways.

"Previously it started with a challenge via live Instagram to the perpetrator so that he was provoked to try to retaliate by aiming at random and at that time the victim was slashed with a sharp weapon," Bismo explained.

After carrying out the action, continued Bismo, the perpetrators returned to their school and were interrogated by the teacher. But they did not admit what they had done.

"Where is one adult perpetrator (SA) we designate as a suspect, while MA's status is a child who is in conflict with the law," said Bismo.

As previously reported, ASR (17), the main perpetrator of the stabbing case against AS victims, is a recidivist in mugging cases and has status on the Wanted Person List or DPO.

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