TANGERANG - Rain with high itensity flushed parts of the Tangerang area, one of which was in Balaraja, Tangerang Regency. Floods with water levels reaching 80 cm disturbed residents' activities. Head of BPBD Tangerang Regency Ujat Sudrajat said the flood incident had occurred since Tuesday, March 14. However, the current height has gradually receded. Air last night estimates 80 cm For the current condition, thank God, water has begun to recede, the estimated 20cm water level discharge," said Ujat in his statement, Wednesday, March 15. Ujat explained that as many as 455 families (KK) of the 5 RTs affected by the flood. However, they did not have any quality of evacuation, because according to him, the water discharge in that place was fairly fast to recede.

"Rt 05/08 totaling 30 kk, Rt 04/08 number 52 kk, Rt 03/08 total 125 kk, Rt05/07, number 147 kk, Rt 01/07 number 101 kk," he said. Regarding the cause of the flood, Ujat said, it was caused by rain with a long enough high intensity. As a result, the water discharge in the park in the park could not accommodate, causing it to overflow into the purmukiman. The cause of the river in the park cannot accommodate rainwater, so the water overflowed into the residential settlement of Taman Balaraja," he concluded.

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