JAKARTA - Since the KPK took office, there have been around 120 regional heads who have been named as suspects in criminal acts of corruption, such as bribery for procurement, licensing, and money laundering.

This figure is considered normal by the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian who is also a former National Police Chief. For him, arresting hundreds of regional heads who abuse their authority through hand-catching operations (OTT) is not an achievement to be proud of.

"For me who is a former law enforcer, the regional head OTT is not a great achievement," said Tito at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 18.

He said this was because the direct regional elections were very expensive, including technical and non-technical costs such as campaign or witness costs. This high need makes regional heads have the potential to commit corruption when elected.

"To become a regional head, to become a regent if you don't have Rp. 30 billion, you don't dare. The governor is even more so. If someone says they don't pay, zero percent, I want to meet the person," said Tito.

"So we have created a system that keeps the regional head corrupt," he added, who wanted to evaluate the pilkada.

KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah agreed that the KPK's silent operation that made many regional heads become suspects indicated that something was wrong in our democratic system.

When the KPK does not take action against corrupt regional heads, he said, many parties will not care about political funds during the regional elections.

"If there is no disclosure of corruption cases in regions like this, it is not impossible, many parties will think the conditions (of the country) are fine," said Febri at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday night, 18 November.

In fact, the KPK does not only rely on prosecution but also prevents corruption. The prevention program begins with initiating coordination and supervision of prevention in all regions, proposing strengthening of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) to prevention in the political sector, including related to political funding.

"Prevention is carried out, in addition to reducing the risk of corruption, the KPK also hopes that the public will enjoy more of the budget allocated to the regions," said Febri.

"Apart from that, the most important thing is that the cost of the democratic process, which is not cheap, does not actually result in corruption which can have far worse consequences for society," he added.

The KPK, continued Febri, would not remain silent if a crime had occurred. Moreover, this crime was related to a corruption case.

"If a crime has occurred and the evidence is sufficient, law enforcers must not compromise, let alone allow a crime to occur, let alone a criminal act of corruption which is an extraordinary crime," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK invites the Ministry of Home Affairs to be partners in overcoming corruption that is rife among regional heads. Because, this is not only the task of the KPK but also the task of the Ministry of Home Affairs and related agencies.

"We hope that the Ministry of Home Affairs will seriously become a strong partner to prevent corruption in the regions. The three main points of prevention initiated by the KPK really need concrete contributions from the Ministry of Home Affairs and other relevant agencies," he said.

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