JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network Islah Bahrawi said the government needed to be aware of the movement of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) organization.

Because the figures in the organization called the new FPI were previously active in the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). "So in my opinion, the government must indeed monitor this," said Islah, in his statement quoted by Antara, Monday, January 11.

He said the government must protect and protect the community so that the new FPI does not move under the surface.

It is very dangerous if it turns out that there is neglect of new forms, both normative and subsurface.

The government had previously banned the activities, use of symbols and attributes of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) with various considerations, including the group led by Rizieq Shihab that was deemed unable to fulfill the Registered Certificate (SKT) as an organization, was suspected of supporting ISIS, often troubling the community, and involved in a criminal act.

After being disbanded, the Islamic Defenders Front changed its name to the Islamic Brotherhood Front which was called the new style FPI. The FPI declaration had just been signed by former high-ranking Islamic Defenders Front officials such as Shobri Lubis, Muchsin Ali Alatas, and Munarman.

Islah continued, the government's decision to ban all activities, the use of the logo and attributes of the Islamic Defenders Front is quite rigid.

Their existence, he said, is also prohibited in an organization without a form so that whatever the product, the government has the authority to obstruct and take action against organizations that have been banned.

"If not, then the government will appear sterile in implementing its law," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, Ahmad Sahroni, also asked FPI to really pay attention to the government. According to him, if there are figures from the Islamic Defenders Front who register a new FPI name, then it should be rejected.

"Yes, if for example there are others who submit, but the management is the same, especially if they are recognized by FPI's top management, yes, the government, in this case the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, needs to 'review' and then refuse the permit," said Sahroni.

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