YOGYAKARTA It turns out that many people are victims of fake social gatherings. This happens because of many factors, one of which is the lack of literacy among the community. When you become a victim of fake social gatherings or become a victim of embezzlement of social gathering money, it is advisable to immediately report it to the authorities.

It should be noted that arisan is an effort to collect money from a number of groups with the same nominal value between one member and another member, which is then drawn to determine who can get it. The draw itself was randomly arranged until all members got it.

The embedding of the word 'bodong' in fake social gatherings is carried out as a mention for social gatherings that lead to fraud. This case occurs a lot in the community. When meeting fraudulent social gathering practices, the public can report to the authorities.

The obstacle in reporting fake social gatherings is the limited evidence owned by the reporter. Usually, fake social gatherings, whether held online or offline, do not have an agreement letter on paper. Whereas the existence of proof of the agreement letter will be very helpful in the process of resolving this case.

In terms of law, agreements do not have to be written, it could also be in the form of verbal origin that they have fulfilled Article 1320 of the Civil Code. The article explains that the agreement is legally valid as long as it meets the following requirements.

When the agreement is legal, the agreement becomes a law for those who hold it. This condition is known as the principle of the sunt servanda.

Thus, victims of fake social gatherings can still take legal action by filing a civil lawsuit. This lawsuit is a legal action between one person and another. However, it should be noted that the civil event law is passive so that the plaintiff is obliged to prove his lawsuit and ensure the identity of the defendant so that the lawsuit is accepted by the Court.

When people become victims of fake social gatherings, there are several reporting methods that can be done, namely as follows.

The government has a channel that can be used by the public to report criminal acts, namely through the report.go.id website. This People's Online Aspiration and Complaints Service (LAPOR) is managed by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB).

When the public reports something, the LAPOR will forward the complaint to the authorities. The reporter can also monitor the extent to which the reporting process is being responded to.

Arisan victims are advised to report the remaking used to collect social gathering funds. Reports are made via the cekrekening.id site. This account reporting site is owned by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information. It contains all accounts affiliated with fraud cases in Indonesia.

You can report accounts via the website or you can contact the Kominfo call center. It is recommended to bring evidence of alleged fraud.

You also have to report fake social gatherings to the nearest police station. Don't forget to bring the evidence you have to strengthen your reporting to the detrimental party. Evidence can be anything from pictures, screenshots, photos, videos, to voice recordings from the perpetrator.

That's information related to being a victim of fake social gatherings. Visit VOI.ID for other news updates

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