ACEH - Investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police have stopped investigating the case of the death of the alleged drug abuse perpetrator who was previously detained by the local National Narcotics Agency (BNN). Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police Kombes Ade Harianto said the victim was David Yuliansyah or DY. The victim's death was reported by his family for alleged abuse. "The termination of investigation after no elements of the crime was found to increase the status of the case from investigation to investigation," said Ade Harianto in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, March 8.

Investigators have carried out all stages of the legal process according to standard operating procedures (SOPs) in handling the alleged criminal act of the persecution. In addition, he said, investigators also held a case title by presenting criminal experts, forensic experts, internal medicine specialists, and other related parties, including attorneys and families of victims. "From the title of the case it was concluded that the alleged abuse case that caused the death was not element enough to be upgraded to the investigation," he said. Previously, the Head of BNN Aceh Province Brigadier General Pol Sukandar accompanied by the Head of Eradication Division Kombes Pol Mirwazi said David died during treatment at the Banda Aceh Mental Hospital. "The results of the examination of the BNN medical team, concerned, were taken to a mental hospital due to syndrome or decoupling of stimulants from methamphetamine," said Mirwazi. Mirwazi said. Mirwazi said David (40), was arrested along with three colleagues with the initials I (30) and RR (26), as well as R (27), on suspicion of misuse of methamphetamine-type drugs on Wednesday (7/12/12/2022) at 02.00 WIB.The next day at around 09.50, said Mirwazi, the BNN medical team received David's report placed in the hospital. Medical team saw him as a restless person and noisy and could not communicate well. The Aceh BNN medical team brought him to Bhayangkara Hospital. After being treated at the hospital. After being treated, David's condition improved and allowed to go home. David's condition was also recommended to be brought to the Banda Aceh Mental Hospital for drug use rehabilitation. Because of his condition, continued Mirwazi, the medical team communicated with his wife. From his wife was found to be symptomatic and the person of the stimulant substance. The medical team referred him to the Banda Aceh Mental Hospital. His wife and his family agreed to the reference. Then, BNN handed him to his family, said. The BNN also accompanied his family.

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