JAKARTA - Taiwan's Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng warned on Monday it should be vigilant this year over Chinese military entry near their territory, amid escalating military tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

China has stepped up its military activities around Taiwan in recent years, including near-daily air force 'incursions' into the island's air defense identification zone.

However, Taiwan has not reported any incidents of Chinese troops entering its contiguous zone, which is 24 nautical miles (44.4 km) from its coast. But Taipei shot down a civilian drone that entered its airspace near an island off China's coast last year.

Answering questions from lawmakers, Minister Chiu said the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) might be looking for excuses to enter territory close to Taiwan's territorial air and sea space, as the island increases its military exchanges with the United States, drawing Beijing's ire.

She said the PLA might suddenly enter Taiwan's contiguous zone and approach its territorial space, which the island defines as being 12 nautical miles from its coast.

"(I) specially made this comment this year, meaning they made such preparations," Minister Chiu said, citing Reuters, March 6.

"Going forward, they will use force if they absolutely have to," she said.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a daily briefing, Beijing "will take decisive action to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity."

It is known, Taiwan has promised to exercise its right to self-defense and counterattack if Chinese armed forces enter its territory.

Chiu said China wanted to "make trouble under certain pretexts", adding that might include visits by senior foreign government officials or Taiwan's frequent military contacts with other countries.

Asked by a lawmaker whether the United States plans to store some of its military equipment in Taiwan, Minister Chiu said such discussions were ongoing, but declined to elaborate.

Chiu said the PLA sends about 10 planes or ships to areas near Taiwan every day. Some cross the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which traditionally serves as an unofficial buffer, almost daily, she said.

She added that since China abandoned the tacit agreement on military movements in the Strait, Taiwan has been making preparations to "fire the first shot" if any Chinese entity, including drones or balloons, enters its territorial space.

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