JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives Andre Rosiade proposed moving the Pertamina Plumpang Depot to the Indonesian Port area (Pelindo) in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta.

This was the aftermath of the great fire that occurred at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot on Friday, March 3 evening. "When it comes to the relocation of depots, I propose to the Minister of SOEs and the government, so that this depot is transferred to Pelindo to the Pelindo new port in Priok," Andre told reporters, Sunday, March 5. The Gerindra legislator then highlighted the buffer zone of Pertamina Plumpang, which has been widely used as a residence by residents.

"I checked with Pertamina, the buffer zone that is now occupied by the community is Pertamina's certified land. Indeed, there was a dispute, but the information I got from Pertamina's court decision had come out and stated that the buffer zone land belonged to Pertamina," explained Andre. Andre assessed that the government needed to review whether it was necessary to relocate residential areas or move depots to appropriate places. Because he said, at the time the depot was built, conditions around the area were different from the current area.

"If this depot time was built in 1974, it would be different from the current year, 2023, where the development of the City of Jakarta is extraordinary. So, is the depot still suitable for us to maintain there? Of course, the Jakarta government has development. Now that must be studied by the government," he said.

Furthermore, he said, it was just a matter of the government deciding whether the depot would be relocated or instead relocating the community for safety and comfort. "Of course, with rational compensation, objective and not detrimental to the community, then how to develop urban planning in the future," continued Andre.

Andre encouraged the Pertamina Plumpang depot to be relocated to Pelindo Priok on the basis of cost efficiency considerations. "I encourage, propose to move there to Pelindo so that Pertamina does not need to invest in land anymore because the land can be rented, can be in the form of cooperation without the need for investment. So Pertamina does not need to buy land, it can use the land with SOE synergy," he concluded.

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