BOGOR - Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto, who will also be promoted as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election by Gerindra, revealed the criteria for his dream vice presidential candidate (cawapres). At his residence, Prabowo emphasized that the vice presidential candidate who will be his mate in the 2024 presidential election is a citizen who upholds the values of Pancasila. "It must be citizens who commit to Pancasila. It cannot be negotiated. Also, the Basic Law, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI," Prabowo said at the Garuda Yaksa Padepokan, Hambalang, Bogor, West Java, Sunday, March 5. In addition, Prabowo wants a vice presidential candidate who has the ability to lead the country. Also, he has no intention of reaping personal benefits as vice president. "Of course you have to be capable. You have the ability, you have to have wisdom, the spirit of statesmen, morals. You have no interest in seeking personal gain, or family, or groups. Also, really want to serve the people and the nation," he explained. Today at his residence, Prabowo also received the arrival of the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, and his party administrators. Paloh and his entourage arrived in Hambalang at around 11.24 WIB. Paloh was greeted by Prabowo who then walked together to enter the residence of the Defense Minister's family. Arriving in one area, Paloh took the time to wash his hands with clean water from a jug provided. There was also a sound from the compact drumben accompanying Paloh's arrival from his arrival in Hambalang. The second step by the leader of the political party supporting the government was also stopped in the pavilion section of the house. Surya pointed his hand as if he was stunned by the magnificent part of the room like in the palace. Paloh then ate with Prabowo at the long table that had been provided. At that time, they chatted with relaxed and familiar conditions. After the closed meeting, Prabowo and Paloh agreed not to form a coalition in carrying the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

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