Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP (Secretary General of PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto emphasized the message from General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri to continue to fight for the interests of the Indonesian people.

This was conveyed by Hasto during the PDIP 50th Anniversary celebration with thousands of cadres and sympathizers in the city square, Ponorogo, East Java.

"The message from Mrs. Mega is very clear, politics is grounding, touch the people, fight for the people to get a better life by organizing the people, and providing the best possible mastery of science and technology," said Hasto as quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 26.

"I conveyed greetings from Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri. She went to Ponorogo in 2004 and was accompanied by Mr. Heri Akhmadi who is now serving as the Indonesian Ambassador in Japan," he continued.

Hasto admitted that PDIP continues to promote so that people, especially young people, continue to maintain their physical fitness.

That's why the activity was carried out by presenting the Indonesian Gymnastics Cinta Tanah Air (Sicita) action and healthy road action.

"Because without a healthy soul and body, it is impossible for Indonesia to become a great nation," he said.

Through this sporting action, there is a spirit of nationalism that is inserted. Hasto said, Sicita's gymnastics have the aim of encouraging enthusiasm so that young people love Indonesia more, with all their cultural, culinary and natural wealth.

"Young people are getting stronger and eager to work hard to realize the progress of Great Indonesia," he said.

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