JAKARTA – Lion Air provided information regarding the status of flight JT-693 on the Kupang-Surabaya route on Sunday morning which experienced a delay due to an incident where the passenger's cellphone (HP) emitted smoke while in the aircraft cabin.

Lion Air's Corporate Communications Strategic Danang Mandala Prihantoro explained that after the boarding process was complete, all passengers were seated and the aircraft was pushed back to prepare for the runway.

"Based on the initial report, one of the passengers sitting in number 9D admitted that his cellphone (cellphone) was emitting smoke, then the cellphone was thrown to the cabin floor," he said Sunday, February 26.

Danang added, in an effort to ensure flight safety and security, the senior cabin crew immediately contacted the pilot. The right decision, the pilot stopped the movement of the aircraft and decided to return to the aircraft parking area in its original position.

"According to initial information, suddenly one of the passengers sitting near the emergency exit window opened the emergency window. Under these conditions, all passengers were directed to get off the plane and return to the waiting room (boarding gate) to get further information. There were no injuries in this incident," he said.

According to Danang, an investigation team from the Indonesian civil aviation authority and Lion Air are currently carrying out an investigation process to find out the exact cause of this incident.

It was emphasized that the cellphone was currently being examined by a team of experts to determine that it was in accordance with the safety standards set by the aviation regulator.

"Lion Air, as an airline that is committed to passenger safety, will not speculate about the cause of the burning of cellphones on the plane until the investigation process in accordance with flight regulations is complete. Aircraft checks and investigations cannot be carried out quickly and instantly," he said.

For information, the incident occurred on a PK-LQS type Boeing 737-900ER aircraft carrying 163 passengers.

Before the flight departure at 06.15 a.m. Central Indonesian Time (WITA), Lion Air revealed that it had carried out procedures to ensure flight safety and security, including a thorough pre-flight procedure by technicians and pilots to ensure that all aircraft systems and components function and work properly. .

"The result is that the aircraft is airworthy and safe to operate (airworthy for flight)," added Danang.

Then, the handling and inspection of all passengers is carried out by security officers as well as handling cargo and luggage.

"Lion Air is very focused on prioritizing passenger safety and security as a top priority (safety first) on every flight. Lion Air reminds all passengers to always follow the flight crew's instructions and not to carry potentially dangerous items in the aircraft cabin," he concluded.

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