JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Semarang-Demak Toll Road Section II of the Sayung-Demak section, which not only functions to accelerate logistics transportation, but also as a sea wall infrastructure to prevent tidal flooding.

"I also really appreciate the Sayung-Demak Toll Road, which has been built, because it is also a sea wall," said President Jokowi at the inauguration of the Semarang-Demak Toll Road Section II of the Sayung-Demak section in Demak, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 25.

Jokowi said the tidal flood is likely to be further and higher in the future. That way, the sea wall on the Sayung-Demak toll road can also prevent the overflow of tidal flooding to the mainland.

"In the future, in my opinion, the higher the level, the higher the land because of climate change, we can prevent it from the function of toll roads as well as sea embankments from the roads that have been built," said Jokowi.

Meanwhile, as logistics infrastructure, President Jokowi asked governors, regents and mayors whose areas are traversed by toll roads to increase transportation efficiency from industrial, agricultural, plantation, and at the same time increase tourism attraction.

"I just want to remind again that all toll roads that have been completed in the country, so that governors, mayors immediately connect, integrate, and production areas in their respective regions," said Jokowi.

That way, the toll roads that have been built will increase speed and ease of bringing production goods from industrial, agricultural, and plantation areas.

"So, with that speed, our efficiency, afternoon power, competitiveness have it," said President Jokowi.

The Semarang-Demak Toll Road Section II of the Sayung-Demak section has a length of 16.01 kilometers with an investment cost of IDR 5.9 trillion.

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