JK Asks For No Currency In The 2024 Campaign At The Mosque During Ramadan 2023
Chairman of the KAHMI Ethics Council and Chairman of DMI Jusuf Kalla. (Between-Hafidz)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Jusuf Kalla alias JK called on the administrators to sterilize the mosque from practical political activities during the month of Ramadan.

"The Ramadan scheme is maximized to build peace and piety so that all mosques, prayer rooms, borders, and surau, should be sterilized from withdrawing political and political interests," said JK in a written statement, Friday, February 24, confiscated by Antara.

The call was stated in circular letter number 030.D/III/SE/PP-DMI/II/2023 which was signed by DMI Chairman Jusuf Kalla and DMI Secretary General Imam Addaqurani on February 5, 2023.

The circular contains a number of calls such as the use of mosque loudspeakers with a noise arrangement that is not excessive, both volume, tempo, and intensity, according to the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Religion Number 05 of 2022 which has been agreed upon by DMI and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

In addition, the circular contains an appeal to DKM/Takmir to carry out cleaning the mosque with the congregation and condition the atmosphere of the arrival of Ramadan.

The Mosque Council encourages mosques, prayer rooms, and surau to be enlivened and prospered by preparing a soothing Islamic tausyiah program, fostering the unity and integrity of the people and nation.

"With the functional name of the mosque as a congregation which means uniting or uniting the people and nation," the letter read.

Meanwhile, regarding the political year, DMI invites the Ramadan echo to be maximized to build peace and piety and sterilize political interests that have the potential to break the unity and integrity of the people and nation.

"So that the mosque's DKM/Takmir still conveys a strong message so that all pilgrims continue to pay attention to healthy patterns in activities in mosques and prayer rooms," reads the closing of the letter.

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