Polda Metro Jaya said that debt collectors did not only curse Bhabinkamtimbas members behind the series of incidents of confiscation of Clara Shinta's celebgram. However, there was physical and psychological coercion.

"It's not just cursing. There are physical and psychological threats and threats of violence," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Thursday, February 23.

The cuts made by debt collectors caused members of Bhabinkamtimbas to be unable to do anything when the incident occurred.

In fact, the member only wanted to reconcile and find a middle ground for the debate between debt collectors and the Instagram celebrity Clara Shinta.

"So that these officers who are alone can do or do nothing," he said.

In this case, they were charged with Article 214 of the Criminal Code regarding threats against officers. In addition, they will also be charged with other criminal articles such as theft with violence, extortion, and unpleasant acts.

The alleged article was based on a police report that Clara Shinta had made some time ago.

"We have constructed the article, among others, Article 365 concerning theft with violence, the article of extortion, and also unpleasant acts, as we know in the fiduciary law," said Hengki.

Meanwhile, the series of incidents involved seven debt collectors. Currently, three of them have been arrested.

Of the three debt holders, one of them was arrested in the Ambon area. Allegedly, he deliberately fled after his actions shouted at the police that went viral on social media.

"We chased one perpetrator to Saparua Ambon," said Hengki.

For information, the action of the debt collectors began with the process of withdrawing a car belonging to the Clara Shinta program at her residence in an apartment in the South Jakarta area, Wednesday, February 8.

However, in the process they use coercive means. In fact, the celebrity driver was threatened with murder.

Moreover, Bhabinkamtimbas members who tried to reconcile and find a middle ground became their targets.

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