Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono has undergone surgery on the vertebra section and joint dislocation at Bhayangkara TK I Hospital Raden Said Sukanto (Polri Hospital) Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. "From this morning at 09.30 WIB until noon for four hours and a half we carried out the operation. Thank God, the operation went smoothly and the Police Chief's condition was in good condition," said Head of Kramat Jati Police Hospital Brigadier General Hariyanto to reporters at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, February 23. A joint team of specialist doctors from the ranks of the National Police's Center for Medicine and Health (Pusdokkes) has conducted operations to the Jambi Police Chief. The operation is a follow-up to medical treatment previously carried out by a team of doctors at the Bhayangkara Regional Police of Jambi. "Yesterday, we took a break first. Then at night we checked the ct scan and MRI to ensure the conditions that we had to improve," said Hariyanto. From the results of the ct scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, he said, the joint team of doctors decided on surgery. "Currently, the Kapolda is undergoing recovery," he said. Previously, the Baharkam Polri Water and Air Police helicopter (Polairud) brought the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his staff to make an emergency landing on Sunday, February 19. The Bell 412 SP helicopter with registration number P-301 departed from Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport with the aim of Depati Parbo Airport landing an emergency at Bukit Tamia due to bad weather. Apart from Rusdi, Dirreskrimum Kombes Andri Ananta, Dirpolairud Kombes Michael Mumbunan, Ajudan Kapolda Brigadier Aditya, Co pilot AKP Amos Freddy Sitompul, Pilot AKP Ali Nurdin. Then Korspripim Kompol Dafi, and helicopter mechanics Aipda Susilo became victims, they were evacuated by the joint SAR Team on Tuesday (21/2) and taken to the Bhayangkara Police Hospital Jambi. The Jambi Police Chief suffered a serious injury to his right hand and complained of pain to his back.

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