Palembang residents were asked to report voter data updating officers (Pantarlih) who had not matched and researched voter data (collit) for the 2024 General Election.

Head of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Palembang City, M.Taufik, said the report could be submitted at the complaint post at Bawaslu Palembang.

"So people who have not done the bankruptcy immediately report it, so we can recommend to the KPU to make improvements," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Tuesday, February 21, as reported by Antara.

The post can also be used by the public to report that Prantarlih is doing things that are not in accordance with the procedure in carrying out his duties.

Bawaslu also carries out inherent supervision in the data updating process carried out in anticipation so that people do not lose their right to vote.

"Bawaslu participated in carrying out inherent supervision of pandarih to find out if they were right in carrying out their duties," he said.

In addition to carrying out inherent supervision, also conducting picking tests by visiting homes that have been visited by students, so that the final voter list (DPT) produced by the KPU becomes more accurate.

The Palembang City Bawaslu has 161 panwascam people, with details for the sub-district level 54 people, and the sub-district level 107 people.

"Indeed, we are limited in human resources (HR), but that does not reduce the enthusiasm in supervising the implementation of all stages of the 2024 General Election carried out by the KPU," he said.

Taufik said that the supervisor of the polling station (TPS) would be formed ahead of the voting day.

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