PALANGKA RAYA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM) of Central Kalimantan invites entrepreneurs to protect their businesses and products by registering brands as intellectual property rights (HKI).

"The Ministry of Law and Human Rights supports the protection of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and their products. So let's protect MSMEs and their products by registering them as intellectual property rights," said Head of the General Legal Administration Service Sub Division (AHU), Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) Anggun Prasetyo Nugroho, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 21.

He said the registration of the HKI was also an effort to prevent and enforce the law for intellectual property violations.

Along with the increasing economic value of a product or work in the form of intellectual property, indirectly there is also the potential for intellectual property infringement.

"This protection can go well, if there is awareness and understanding of the community to respect and maintain intellectual property itself," he said.

For this reason, his party also continues to encourage business actors in the regions to protect the results of innovation in the products of their business products.

Intellectual property products are objects that must be maintained and protected because they have high economic value. There are seven types of intellectual property products (KI), namely patents, brands, industrial design, copyright, geographical indications, trade secrets, and the design of an integrated circuit layout that can be officially registered.

On the other hand, Anggun said that currently the Ministry of Law and Human Rights also makes it easier for someone to establish a limited liability company for individuals.

"Currently, the law allows the establishment of a limited liability company or PT by one person who meets the criteria of MSMEs in the form of Individual Companies," he said.

Meanwhile, the Junior Expert Legal Analyst, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan, Rizky Imawati, said that the establishment of individual companies is very easy to do.

"One of the conveniences is that the registration of individual companies can be done online via the link," he said.

In this online service, there are guidelines and several stages that must be completed by the applicant, according to the needs of each applicant.

Among the menus on this online service, such are the initial page for registration of establishment registration, changes, disbandment, data improvement, profile upload, transaction announcement, to the purchase and payment of individual company vouchers.

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