JAKARTA - Kompas Research and Development released the results of the latest electability survey of political parties (Parpol) on Tuesday, February 21. In the top three are PDIP with an electability rate of 22.9, followed by Gerindra with 14.3 per cent and Golkar with 9 per cent.
PDIP and Golkar experienced increases from the previous Kompas Research and Development survey, while Gerindra experienced a decrease.
The survey also found a sizable shift in votes among political parties that are members of the Coalition for Change which supports former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as the 2024 presidential candidate. NasDem electability has increased, while Democrats and PKS have fallen.
In the latest Kompas Research and Development survey, the electability of NasDem rose to 7.3 per cent from the previous 4.3 per cent. Meanwhile, Democrats fell to 8.7 per cent from 14 per cent. Meanwhile, PKS decreased to 4.8 per cent from 6.3 per cent.
Kompas Research and Development noted that the increase in the electability of the NasDem to 3 per cent was due to the Anies Baswedan factor. NasDem is considered successful in consolidating Anies sympathizers from several political parties.
"Nasdem's move to budge in Anies Baswedan's candidacy as a presidential candidate for the 2024 elections seems to have been quite successful in consolidating Anies' sympathizers who have so far been spread across several political parties," wrote Kompas Research and Development released, Tuesday, February 21.
In Kompas R&D records, the first time NasDem has experienced a spike in the electability of up to 3 per cent. The party chaired by Surya Paloh got the tail effect from its support for Anies.
However, the success of the NasDem in consolidating Anies's supporters actually had a negative impact on the electability of the Democrats and PKS. The survey of the two political parties that have Anies' voter base has actually decreased, as seen in the January-February survey.
"This is especially the case for political parties with a relatively large composition profile for Anies, such as the Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)," wrote Kompas Research and Development.
In addition to the Anies factor, the sharp decline in the electability of the Democratic Party was also due to the factor in the alleged corruption case that ensnared the inactive Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe.
"Beyond the factor of the figure of the presidential candidate, the Democrats also seem to have been exposed to the impact of the arrest of the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe, who is also the Chairman of the Democratic Papua DPD, by the KPK on January 10, 2023, because of a suspected corruption case," said Kompas Research and Development.
The electability survey of political parties Litbang Kompas was conducted on January 25-February 4 2023, involving 1,202 respondents from 38 provinces in the country.
Samples were randomly selected using a stratified systematic method, and the survey was conducted using face-to-face interviews.
Using this method, the poll has a 95 per cent confidence level and a margin of error of approximately 2.83 per cent.
Following are the complete results of the electability of political parties according to the Kompas R&D version:
1. PDIP 22.9 per cent
2. Gerindra 14.3 per cent
3. Golkar 9 per cent
4. Democrats 8.7 per cent
5. NasDem 7.3 per cent
6. PKB 6.1 per cent
7. PKS 4.8 per cent
8. Perindo 4.1 per cent
9. PPP 2.3 per cent
10. PAN 1.6 per cent
11. Hanura 0.5 per cent
12. PBB 0.5 per cent
13 PSI 0.5 per cent
Other 0.5 per cent
Do not know/secret 16.8 per cent.
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