JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lampung Province guarantees that the problem between the congregation of the Yat Daud Christian Church (GKKD) Rajabasa Bandarlampung and local residents regarding worship has been resolved.

"The public and the church agreed to resolve the issue through peaceful dialogue according to existing regulations," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lampung, Puji Raharjo in Bandarlampung, Monday, February 20, as reported by Antara.

Puji Raharjo went directly to have a dialogue with the community and the GKKD congregation on Sunday (19/2). From the dialogue, it was successful in understanding the same thing so that the problem was resolved.

Puji added that all religious adherents certainly want harmony and peace and a harmonious atmosphere in society.

"Because we all want peace, security, and of course build a harmonious relationship between religious communities who love religion that we believe in," he said.

On the occasion of the dialogue, Puji also said that whatever the religion, ethnicity, and color of the citizens' skin, all remain within one frame of the Indonesian nation.

The dialogue was attended by the Head of Administration of the Lampung Ministry of Religion Regional Office, Kedaton Police Chief, Rajabasa Sub-district Head, Dai Kamtibmas Bandar Lampung City and religious and community leaders.

On that occasion, Puji also asked the public not to be influenced and provoked by content related to this problem on social media. After this problem is resolved, it is hoped that the public can filter out information that is correct and untrue or hoaxes.

"The scattered content must also be considered when it happened. This problem has been resolved so that if you find content related to this, then it is no longer relevant," he said.

The Lampung Ministry of Religion Regional Office has also coordinated with related parties such as the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) and the Lampung Regional Police regarding this matter.

According to him, Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Akhmad Wiyagus has also emphasized the readiness of his members to maintain the peace of religious communities when worshiping.

"The police are ready to deploy their members if there are religious communities who need security in carrying out their worship," he said.

The Lampung Regional Office and the Forkopimda ranks continue to strive to create a safe and comfortable condition of Kamtibmas and a harmonious and harmonious religious atmosphere.

Regarding houses of worship, he hopes that all religious adherents pay attention to and understand the regulations that have been contained in the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 9 and 8 of 2006 Chapter IV and V concerning the Establishment of Houses of Worship and Temporary Permits for the Utilization of Buildings.

"If all obey these regulations, the implementation of worship in the environment will be able to run conducively," he said.

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