CILACAP - A resident of Cilongkrang Village, Wanareja District, Cilacap Regency, was shocked by the discovery of a baby girl. The baby girl was just left in an empty house. Luckily his life was saved.

It was Umi Waidah (26) who found the baby, on Thursday 16 February at around 12.30 WIB, according to police reports, at that time Umi was at home and then heard the sound of a baby crying.

"The baby girl was found at around 12.30 in an empty house lying on the ground without a cloth. The findings were then reported to the village apparatus and forwarded to the police." said Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police Gatot Tri Hartanto in a written statement, Friday, February 17.

The baby was then taken to the Puskesmas, then handed over to the Cilacap Regency Social Service for further treatment.

From the results of the interim examination, the baby girl was 53 centimeters long, 4.1 kg heavy. This baby is estimated to have been born in less than 24 hours when found.

"The baby is safe. Now he is being treated at the Wanareja 2 Health Center. It is estimated that he was born in less than 24 hours when he was found," he continued.

Gatot suspects that this poor baby was deliberately abandoned by his parents. The police and the village government are still looking into the whereabouts of the baby's parents.

"We are trying to find out who the baby's parents are," he concluded.

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