JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Supervisory Board confirmed that there was a note from one of the leaders of the anti-corruption commission conveying the dynamics of carrying out tasks.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the KPK Board of Trustees, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean. However, it was not specified who the leader meant and what dynamics meant.

"There is indeed a Memorandum from the KPK Leadership Service to the KPK Board regarding the dynamics of carrying out tasks at the KPK", Tumpak said in a written statement, Thursday, February 16.

This official note is then followed up with the leadership. The KPK Board of Trustees summoned all KPK Chairperson Firli Bahuri and all of his deputies, namely Alexander Marwata, Nawawi Pomolango, Nurul Ghufron, and Johanis Tanak.

From that meeting, said Tumpak, the supervisory board reminded the five to strengthen collegial collective work. "As well as cooperation and synergy in the KPK leadership", he said.

After that, the dynamic is considered complete. The five leaders of the anti-corruption commission will certainly continue to work optimally in investigating allegations of corruption in the country.

"Supervisory Board appreciates the attitude of the KPK leadership in being able to resolve the dynamics of carrying out their duties sincerely and responsibly by prioritizing the interests of the institution", said Tumpak. "That is creating a corruption-free Indonesia", he concluded.

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