REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Regency Government (Pemkab), Bengkulu Province targets a reduction in stunting rates or failure to grow in toddlers in the area by 4 percent from 20.2 percent to 16.2 percent. "The acceleration of reducing stunting rates in Rejang Lebong Regency is a big homework to reduce stunting prevalence, where based on SSGI data in 2022 the prevalence is still 20.2 percent, the figure has fallen from 2021 which reached 26 percent. We are targeting that in 2023 it will decrease by 4 percent," said Acting Head of the Rejang Lebong Health Office Rephi Meido Satria at the 2023 National Nutrition Day (HGN) event in Rejang Lebong Regency, Antara, Wednesday, February 15. He explained, to reduce the stunting rate, every OPD involved in the stunting reduction acceleration team (TPPS) to continue to coordinate so that interventions to the target can run effectively. The handling of stunting cases in Rejang Lebong Regency in 2023, he said, has been determined in 36 locations of Special focus based on the decision of the local regent so that village heads and village heads who are stunting locus are asked to register prospective brides to consult and conduct health checks as a condition before carrying out the marriage contract. Meanwhile, the Head of the Rejang Lebong Regency TP-PKK Hartini Syamsul Effendi who was present at the Rejang Lebong Regency HGN event centered at Sambirejo Village Hall, Selupu Rejang District appealed to the people of the area who have toddlers to check their children at the Posyandu and health facilities in their respective places. "The momentum of the 63rd HGN in 2023 through balanced nutrition education, we would like to thank all mothers who are and have struggled to protect the nation's next generation candidates for 9 months of pregnancy and always take care of their toddlers with care," he said. Meanwhile, the head of the Rejang Lebong Association of Nutrition Experts (Perasagi), Ahmad Sopian, stated that they carried out the HGN 2023 activity in a simple and centered manner in Sambirejo Village, Selupu Rejang District, with social service activities and the launch of education campaigns and animal protein movements to prevent stunting.

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