SOUTH SUMATRA - The Curup-Kota Lubuklinggau route in South Sumatra (Sumsel) is known to be prone to crime. The police opened free escorts for residents crossing the road.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan said the free escort by members of the Rejang Lebong Police did not tie up drivers of four-wheeled vehicles but also two-wheeled vehicles.

"We urge vehicle drivers who feel hesitant to pass on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road to ask for escort from officers from the Padang Ulak Tanding Police, then the Sindang Kelingi Police and the Rejang Lebong Police Precision Patrol Team," he said at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, Bengkulu, Wednesday, February 15, was confiscated by Antara.

To get this police escort, the general public who wants to cross the Curup-Lubuklinggau can contact the Police call center 110.

The public can also contact the Rejang Lebong Police Chief's report service at 0812-76719996, as well as services on Instagram and Facebook social media at the Rejang Lebong Police.

He explained that the preparation of this escort officer was to provide a sense of security and comfort to road users, either coming from the direction of Lubuklinggau City to Curup City or vice versa.

Tonny appealed to road users who connect these two provinces if they become victims of crimes to immediately report to the Sindang Kelingi Police, Padang Ulak Tanding Police (PUT) and to the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters so that they can be followed up immediately.

Previously, in early February 2023, a video circulated on social media of a member of the Bengkulu Police who was crossing the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road thwarting a motorcycle robbery (begal) that occurred in the Binduriang District.

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