CIREBON - The Department of Agriculture (Distan) of Cirebon Regency, West Java, recorded that 3,470 hectares of rice plants were damaged and had to be replanted due to flooding, in early 2023. "The latest data we have is that 3,470 hectares of damaged rice plants and must be replanted, due to flooding," said Head of the Cirebon Regency Agriculture Service Asep Pamungkas in Cirebon, Tuesday. Asep said the flooding that occurred in January 2023 resulted in an area of 5,700 hectares of rice fields in the area being submerged with an altitude of 1-1.5 meters. The disaster continued Asep, caused 3,470 hectares of rice plants that had just been planted to be damaged, so that farmers had to replant, causing production costs to swell. According to him, when the flood occurred, farmers had not followed rice farming business insurance, because registration had not yet been opened. "At the time of the flood, farmers have not followed rice farming business insurance, so they have to spend more. Even though when participating in insurance, they will get compensation per hectare of up to Rp. 6 million," he said. Asep added that the Cirebon Regency Government has not been able to help farmers whose rice crops have been damaged, because there is no budget yet. So Asep continued, his party is trying to meet the need for fertilizer by asking for additional allocations, considering that the number of damaged rice plants reaches more than 3,470 hectares. "We have not been able to help farmers either in the form of seeds or others. However, we ensure that the allocation of subsidized fertilizers can increase, so that farmers can easily get them," said Asep. Asep also appealed to farmers to follow the insurance of the rice tabi business, especially those whose rice fields are classified as flood-prone, so as not to continue to lose money.

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