The thief of the Goci (Cacer) bird in Jatisari Village, Kedungreja District, Cilacap Regency has been arrested by local residents. The perpetrator, who had fled on a motorbike, finally fell after being kicked by the victim's nephew.

Cilacap Police Chief Kombes Pol Fannky Ani Sugiharto through the Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, explained that the perpetrator with the initials AA (29) was a resident of Donan Village, Cilacap District. And now he is in a detention cell.

In a written statement received on Tuesday, February 14, Gatot explained the chronology of the theft.

Gatot said the theft occurred on Sunday, February 12, at around 14.00 WIB. Bird owner named Widi Irwanto was sitting in the house and saw a man alone in front of a shop pretending to be on the phone.

Not long after, the person approached the Goci bird cage hanging in front of his house. said Gatot.

"When the perpetrator lowered the bird cage and was about to take the GOCI bird, the victim came out and ran after the thief shouted. The victim's nephew who saw the incident chased him. The victim chased and kicked the motorcycle that the perpetrator was driving until he fell onto the side of the road (aspal)." explained Gatot.

After securing the alleged perpetrator, the victim reported it to the local Hamlet Head to be reported to the Kedungreja Police.

"After receiving reports from residents, members on duty immediately went to the crime scene and secured the perpetrators to the Kedungreja Police," said Gatot.

Perpetrator AA is suspected of violating Article 362 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 53 of the Criminal Code.

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