YOGYAKARTA - Every day, people are executed and sentenced to death by the state as punishment for various crimes sometimes for actions that should not be criminalized. In some countries, it can be for drug-related offenses, in other countries it is reserved for acts and killings related to terrorism. Then what is the death penalty?

Some countries execute people under 18 when the crime is committed, others use the death penalty for people with mental and intellectual disabilities and some others apply the death penalty after an unfair trial that clearly violates international law and standards. People can spend years on the death penalty, don't know when their time is up, or whether they will see their family for the last time.

The death penalty is the cruelest, inhumane and degrading sentence. Amnesty actually opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of who is accused, nature or circumstances of crime, guilt or innocence or execution method.

The death penalty is defined as the death penalty as a punishment for violating criminal law.

In the United States, for example, the death penalty is usually applied to crimes that are considered very horrific, such as murder, but are also used in cases of betrayal and large-scale drug trafficking.

Death Penalty Method

The method of the death penalty currently includes:

Controversy Around The Death Penalty

The death penalty has been widely debated for centuries. Many arguments have been put forward both by supporters and opponents of the death penalty. Supporters argue that the death penalty is the right punishment for certain crimes and opponents argue that punishment is cruel and unusual, and violates human rights.

Pros Of Death Penalty

Supporters of the death penalty also use the following arguments to defend their stance:

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