YOGYAKARTA The death penalty is given by the court to someone because of the violation. These penalties often lead to pros and cons. Debates related to the death penalty are not only related to Human Rights (HAM), but are about the effectiveness of these penalties to create a deterrent effect. However, there are many countries that apply the death penalty as a consequence of a crime.

The death penalty itself is not new. The rule has existed for a long time and until now various countries are still implementing it. Here are some countries that impose the death penalty.

Indonesia is one of the countries that applies the death penalty. This form of punishment is given to a number of crimes such as drugs, terrorism, and premeditated murder.

The death penalty in Indonesia itself has been stated in the latest National Criminal Code (KUHP). Article 100 Paragraph (1) states that the death penalty can be imposed on criminals with a probation period of 10 years.

During 2020, the country known as the Pyramids is said to have carried out the execution of its prisoners with a death toll of 107 people. Cases involving prisoners are also diverse, ranging from murder to illegal drugs.

Apart from Indonesia, Saudi Arabia also requires the death penalty. The sentence is part of the justice system in the country. Even Saudi Arabia imposes the death penalty in a way that for some people is quite extreme.

Another country in the Middle East that enforces the death penalty is Iraq. The country has at least executed 100 people who committed certain crimes. One of the most well-known cases was the death penalty for Ali Hassan al-Majid in 2010. He was convicted of assaulting with poison gas in the Kurdish area in 1988.

Iran has also sentenced many prisoners to death in various cases such as smuggling to interfere with official productivity. Amnesty International revealed that Iran has executed 246 executions in 2020.

The country has also carried out the execution of hundreds of inmates. As of 2015, Pakistan has sentenced approximately 326 inmates to death. The causes vary, one of which is related to murder cases.

The country is known to have a government that imposes the death penalty on serious crimes in the form of terrorism, corruption, drugs, and human trafficking. The many death sentences imposed by Chinese authorities have put the country in the top 3 countries related to execution.

The country led by Kim Jong-un is known as an authoritarian country. In fact, there are quite a lot of death sentences imposed in North Korea. In addition, the death penalty seems to be carried out without a fair and transparent court process. This verdict can be handed down to anyone who is deemed not loyal to the government.

The country, known as Uncle Sam's country, has also imposed a death penalty in its justice system. This sentence will return to federal level starting in 2020. In just 6 months the country of America has executed 10 people. One of the cases subject to the death penalty is a murder case.

A person will be sentenced to death in Laos if it is proven to be disturbing the country's economy. In addition, other crimes that are sentenced to death include disrupting agricultural, trade and corruption activities.

The imposition of the death penalty in Vietnam is intended for a number of crimes such as corruption with certain nominal limits. In addition, corruption will also be applied to prisoners who are proven to have committed illegal trade practices or other serious cases related to the state.

That's information related to countries that apply the death penalty. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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