GORONTALO - The North Gorontalo Regency Government (Pemkab) pays attention to cultural heritage in its area. Mainly Binteng Orange in Jembatan Merah Village, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province.

"This is one of the assets, so the local government pays attention to several places that are considered very historic for us in Gorontalo but it is the history of the Indonesian nation," said North Gorontalo Regional Secretary Abdul Wahab Paudi, Monday, February 13, as reported by Antara.

Regarding the support of the local government, his party held an activity at the Orange Fort which was carried out by the Tourism Office.

In addition to Orange Fort, his party together with related agencies conducted research at Fort Mas which is still in the North Gorontalo Regency area.

"For us to know for sure how, what the real building is there in Fort Mas and what it has to do with this Orange Fort," he said.

Orange fort is not dominated by orange paint in general because the fort is an original rock array that physically appears to be still strong.

The fort, which is easily accessible from the Sulawesi Cross Road, is an asset of the nation's history or part of real documentation of Indonesia's history that has occurred in the area. The fort is proof that the Kwandang coast was a strategic place for the VOC at that time.

When compared to Fort Mas in Cisadane Village, Kwandang District, Fort Orange is not just a fort of defense but is more like a center of government and a vital object during the VOC era.

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