NTB - The Environment Agency (DLH) of Mataram City has sold out 80 ornamental palm trees along Jalan Udayana. DLH claims that logging was carried out because the inside of the tree trunk was porous, making it prone to falling when strong winds occurred.

Head of DLH Mataram City HM Kemal Islam said the activity of cutting ornamental palm trees had started from the end of the northern Udayana Road.

"We will expand 80 palm trees on Udayana Street, we will carry out in stages, from the north to the south end. Currently, around 20 trees have been cut down," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, February 9, was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the palm tree needs to be cut down because of its old age, and many parts of the palm tree are porous so that it is very dangerous and has the potential to fall when strong winds occur.

In addition, the roots of palm trees are dangerous and damage the gardens filled with flowers and ornamental plants around them, so that if the palm trees are allowed the roots will beat the existing flower plants.

"So it's better if we sacrifice palm trees than the flowers around them are damaged, because almost every year we do insertions twice but always lose to palm roots," he said.

After being cut down, he said, DLH would not make changes to the type of tree to be planted on Udayana Street. However, an arrangement will be made for the park with various types of flowers to beautify the road section.

On the other hand, Kemal said that he would cut similar ornamental palms along Bung Karno Street.

Kemal added that the method used for felling palm trees did not directly cut down trees as a whole. However, palm trees are cut at the top of the tree.

The technique is carried out to facilitate felling of palm trees which are up to tens of meters high. "Before it is cut down, officers will cut the top so that the cutting of the stem is faster, and does not interfere with the flow of traffic on Jalan Udayana," he concluded.

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