Cimahi Police Chief AKBP Aldi Subartono said the father with the initials AN (34), the perpetrator of the murder of his own biological daughter in Cimahi City, West Java, was threatened with the death penalty.

Apart from being charged with child protection articles and domestic violence, Aldi said AN was also charged with Article 340 and/or Article 338 and/or Article 351 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Criminal Code. "Threatened with a maximum sentence of 20 years, or life imprisonment, or the death penalty," said Aldi at the Cimahi Police, Cimahi City, West Java (West Java), Wednesday, February 8, was confiscated by Antara. According to Aldi, AN was also charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code which is a premeditated murder article because it is in accordance with the investigation construction. The reason, he said, AN was previously suspected of often tortured his son. "This act is not only once, but was done before, so the construction is Article 340 as well," he said.

Aldi explained that AN abused his two children, a woman with the initials AH (11) and a man with the initials AA (12). From the persecution, AH died, while AA was injured. The abuse took place in a rented house located on Jalan Pesantren, Cimahi City, on Monday 6 February, at around 14.30 WIB.

"About 15 punches and kicks, while the brother who is currently being treated is about 7 times," he said.

Based on the examination, Aldi said AN carried out torture because he was annoyed with his son who took Rp. 450 thousand without permission. "In addition to AN, according to him, the police have also secured AN's wife or stepmother from the victim with the status of a witness. According to him, AN's wife admitted that her husband did have a temperamental nature. "We will continue to explore whether there is any connection with her stepmother, if there is strong evidence, then she will be a suspect. We are still looking for other evidence, related to the role of her stepmother," said Aldi., AN admitted that he had indeed abused his children several times. He admits that he regrets that he had tortured his son to death. "Ever tortured but not to such (died)," he said.

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