JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Service said that the pass that connects Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) will later be connected to the Port (Harbour/HBR) I toll road.

"From the Harbor 1 toll road, take the ramp off (exit from the main road) at Papanggo then circle around to Danau Bisma Street, Main Road to RE Martadinata Street," said Head of DKI Bina Marga Agency Hari Nugroho as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 7.

Hari explained that the access road which is designed to be about nine meters wide is not in the form of a non-toll flyover (JLNT).

His party is currently carrying out the construction of a ramp off which is expected to increase and facilitate access and traffic to JIS.

"The solution is only in construction which is targeted to be completed this year," added Hari.

Apart from access roads, his party will also build sidewalks and parks around JIS which are targeted to start construction in March 2023.

"Of course this (passage) is short term, at least it helps access to JIS," said Hari.

Hari added that the construction of sidewalks is estimated to cost around IDR 16 billion.

As for the construction of the access road, there will be four work packages, one package which is estimated to cost a budget ranging from IDR 8 billion to IDR 10 billion.

"The stages this year may be March for the sidewalks, as well as for the parks, right? We've already made the roads. When we open the roads that are still fenced, it will enter the roads that we've created," he said.

Previously, the inadequate road access at JIS was complained by spectators of the Dewa 19 music group concert on Saturday (4/2) because the exit access to the stadium with a capacity of around 82,000 people was only through two gates, namely the west, and east.

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