JAKARTA - The story of the survivors of the devastating earthquake in Syria. The story of a boy who ran away from the hospital while the IV was still in his hand.

Ismael Alrij has just left his six-year-old son, Mustafa, at the hospital. Before long, the ground shook violently.

Seeing the building start to crumble, Ishmael could only fear the worst. To be honest, he gave up.

"The electricity went out and the entrance to the hospital, which was made of glass, began to shatter," Ismael said as quoted by Lina Shaikhouni, BBC, Tuesday 7 February.

"It was like a doomsday scenario," he said.

"I started imagining how I should save my son from the rubble."

A minute later, Mustafa appeared. The boy ran to Ishmael, screaming and crying. He withdrew his own IV, and blood flowed from his arm.

Ishmael rushes to help not only his own son but also others who flee the building amidst the panic and confusion in the darkness. He sheltered a nurse and a pregnant woman in labor in his car for 20 minutes before rushing home to find out about his own family.

Ishmael's wife and other children survived, and the house is still standing.

The situation there in al-Dana, northwestern Syria, is chaotic and desperate. Ishmael had witnessed two residential buildings collapse but the power and internet cut meant rescue services were out of action.

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