JAKARTA - The government has officially distributed cash assistance to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In January, the budget disbursed for cash assistance was IDR 13.93 trillion.

"The total budget distributed in January is Rp. 13.93 trillion," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini during the cash transfer launch event broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat Youtube, Monday, January 4.

There are three cash assistance programs that will be distributed to the community in 2021. First, the Family Hope Program (PKH) with a target recipient of 10 million families and a total budget of IDR 28.7 trillion.

Second, the Basic Food Card with the first target of 18.8 million families with a budget of IDR 45.12 trillion. Furthermore, cash social assistance (bansos) with a target recipient of 10 million families and a budget of 12 trillion.

Especially in January, the details of providing cash assistance to the PKH program amounted to Rp7.17 trillion, distributed every 3 months. Then, the basic food cards in January have a total budget of Rp. 3.76 trillion. Then, cash assistance will be disbursed with a budget of IDR 3 trillion.

Risma said that the launch of assistance in the PKH and Food Card programs was carried out by state-owned banks such as BRI, BNI, Mandiri and BTN. Meanwhile, cash social assistance will be sent via PT Pos Indonesia.

"For recipients who are sick, elderly and people with severe disabilities, banks and Pos Indonesia will deliver them directly to their respective homes," said Risma.

The amount of this cash transfer varies. The amount of PKH funds is IDR 250,000 for pregnant or post-partum women, IDR 250,000 for children from 0-6 years old, IDR 200,000 for people with severe disabilities, and IDR 200,000 for elderly people, elementary school children's education. Equivalent of Rp. 75,000 per month, education of junior high school children / equivalent Rp. 125,000 per month, and education of children of high school / equivalent Rp. 166,000 per month. Funding assistance provided is for a maximum of 4 people in one recipient family.

PKH is distributed once every three months, namely January, April, July and October. "What benefits can be used to be wise and precise, such as improving family health, increasing children's education and reducing family burdens, basic needs for business capital and some for savings," explained Risma.

Second, the basic food cards submitted are in the form of cash food assistance with the value of Rp 200,000 per month per family. "Spend at local stalls or places where food is sold for staple carbohydrates, animal protein, vegetable protein and sources of vitamins and minerals," he said.

Third, cash assistance worth IDR 300 thousand per month for four months to one family. Cash social assistance is given to people other than PKH recipients and the basic food cards.

"This is used to purchase basic foodstuffs such as rice, corn, side dishes, vegetables, fruits and other necessities that are useful in dealing with COVID-19," he said.

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