JAKARTA - A grade two student at the 07 State Elementary School (SDN) with the initials SA almost became a victim of kidnapping on Jalan Bojong, Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The incident was caught on camera and went viral on social media.

The perpetrator of the kidnapping is known to be a middle-aged woman. The incident occurred when the victim was going to participate in sports activities not far from the school area.

"Again, I want to do sports in the field, (walk) myself but there are still a few people behind me. (I) was holding his hand, then asked 'let's join your aunt," said victim SA to reporters, Monday, February 6.

The victim said the perpetrator's hand held him very strong. The victim then tried to break free, finally kicked the perpetrator.

"His hand was really tight holding him, I grabbed him. Finally he let go of me, (the perpetrator) went to a red car. There were 6 (people), 3 girls and 3 men," he said.

After receiving information on the report, the Duren Sawit Police immediately went to the scene. Then the police asked for information from the school, then visited the victim SA's house to dig up information.

According to Luthfi, the victim's biological father, the attempted kidnapping incident that his daughter almost experienced occurred at around 10 o'clock while exercising in the field outside the school.

When the victim exited the school gate, it turned out that there was a mother and held her hand.

"When he said he didn't want to, his (victim) hand was immediately grabbed and finally started there kicking his hands and feet (the perpetrator). I immediately shouted to his friend to ask the teacher to convey it. So that's where he (the perpetrator) immediately ran away," said Luthfi.

As a result of the attempted kidnapping incident, the victim was traumatized and sick. Regarding the attempted kidnapping incident, the school immediately tightened the rules for student pick-up hours.

Meanwhile, from the statement of the Principal of SD 07 Pondok Kelapa, Galih Sri Embun Handayani confirmed the attempted kidnapping incident.

"He saw (the perpetrator) the mother got out of the car and he saw that there were 3 men and 3 women. Then the mother held the victim's hand, then the victim kicked the mother's hand. Because previously (the victim) was already in the doctrine by his father, whoever would force you to arrest him," said Galih.

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