PONTIANAK - The Cap Go Meh celebration in Singkawang opens with an open-eye dragon ritual carried out on nine dragon replicas made by Santo Yosep Singkawang Group at Vihara Tri Dharma Bumi Raya.

Residents from within and outside the city of Singkawang witnessed the ritual which was believed to be able to bring blessings and avoid the disaster.

"This open-eye ritual is carried out so that blessings are always delegated in the form of health and security for the community," said the head of the Naga Replica Nine Making, Bong Sin Fo, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 3.

According to him, the ritual is also intended to bring the dragon god spirit to a dragon replica that will be used for attractions.

"With the opening of the dragon's eyes, it is hoped that the dragon that travels around the city can expel evil spirits and reject reinforcements, so that people are always safe, comfortable, and peaceful," he said.

After undergoing the open-eye ritual, nine dragon replicas were taken to the pagoda which is located on Jalan Ponegoro and Jalan GM Situt.

Furthermore, the dragon replica will be brought back to the Red Pucuk Garden Singkawang and prepared for the implementation of the lantern parade on Friday night.

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