The parents of the defendant Richard totaling alias Bharada E were present at the trial of the alleged murder case of Yosua alias Brigadier J today. Sunandang Junus Lumiu and Rynecke Alma Pudihang were seen wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of Bharada E's face and wrapped in a plaid shirt. The shirt also hinted moral support for his beloved son. The two of them sat in the chair of the session accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). There has been no statement made by the two parents of Bharada E. They seem to want to pay close attention to the trial process. In this case, Bharada E was charged with imprisonment for 12 years. The reason is because Ferdy Sambo's former aide was the executor of the shooting of Brigadier J. However, in a plea entitled 'Does the price of death Must Be Paid 12 Years in Prison?' Bharada E seemed confused by the demands. Because, his honesty seemed ignored. In addition, Bharada E in his plea also expressed his frustration with Ferdy Sambo. This is because the former Head of Propam Division has entrusted him as the executor. "I was used, lied to, and wasted," said Bharada E. However, the prosecutor assessed that Richard totaling alias Bharada E misinterpreted the psychological aspect of an abortion of criminal liability. Can the defendant Richard totaling be released from accountability because of the psychological aspect? The answer is certainly not, "said the prosecutor According to the prosecutor's team, Bharada E shot Brigadier J not out of fear or under the power of authority. Rather, because of his loyalty to Ferdy Sambo. And can it be justified to carry out the request of witness Ferdy Sambo who is invalid or against the law? The answer certainly cannot be justified, said the prosecutor. Therefore, the prosecutor asked the panel of judges to reject the plea submitted by the Bharada E camp. Moreover, the description does not have a solid juridical basis that can be used to invalidate the indictment. "Rejected all pleas from the defendant's legal advisory team Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu," said the prosecutor.

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