Surabaya City Government is ready to report state civil servants (ASN) who are involved in illegal levies (extortion) to the local public prosecutor's office.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi in his written statement said the city government was still conducting investigations related to ASN individuals involved in extortion.

"I make sure there are no loopholes for ASN people involved in extortion," said Cak Eri, his nickname, Thursday, February 2, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the current follow-up to the city government is an examination. After the examination, the imposition of severe sanctions on the person involved in extortion.

"That's what in Bangkingan, yes, an examination has been carried out. God willing, process and immediately issue severe sanctions," said Cak Eri.

In accordance with Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021, said the Mayor, the severe sanctions referred to are the demotion and demotion.

"So, there are two severe sanctions in accordance with the PP," he said.

Regarding the extortion of contract workers, continued Cak Eri, the reporting process has now been carried out to the Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari). After the report, he hopes that the local prosecutor can process the case quickly.

Not only that, Cak Eri revealed one more report related to extortion. This case will be followed up by the Surabaya Tanjung Perak Kejari.

"Hopefully the process can be fast so that it can be an insight (warning) for the city government, don't get involved in extortion. Another one will also enter the report to the Tanjung Perak Kejari, the case is the same, promising jobs," he said.

Cak Eri reminded his citizens not to be afraid to report illegal acts. However, he continued, reporting related to extortion must have concrete evidence so that it can be followed up.

"Even though there is no evidence, he made a statement letter, I can follow up. When I report it to the police or the prosecutor's office, the reporter can be a witness in court," said Cak Eri.

Meanwhile, Acting Inspector of Surabaya R. Rachmad Basari said that the local municipal government is currently collecting evidence and information. After collecting evidence and information from the reporter, processing it according to standard operating procedures (SOPs).

According to him, strict sanctions for extortionists are demotion for 12 months to dishonorable dismissal. The sanction will also adjust the criminal offense committed by extortionists.

"If there is a criminal element, what kind of crime can be seen. Is there an element of general crime, a criminal act of corruption, or is there another level above it which leads to dishonorable dismissal," he said.

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