The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Lampung University (Unila) admitted that he had given Rp60 million to former Unila Chancellor Karomani and vice chancellor of faculty financial efficiency. "Yes, it is true that according to the BAP, I once gave money to Karomani and the vice chancellor of Rp. 60 million from financial efficiency from the activities of the MIPA Faculty," said FMIPA Dean Unila Suripto Dwi Yuwono, during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung, Antara, Tuesday, January 31. The money was given to Karomani and Deputy Chancellor I, Vice Chancellor II, Vice Chancellor III and Vice Chancellor IV at the end of the year and ahead of Eid Al-Fitr. Each, the Dean of the FMIPA gave Rp30 million at the end of the year and Rp30 million before Eid. In addition, he also admitted that he would give money to donate the construction of the Lampung Nahdliyin Center (LNC) to Karomani in the amount of Rp50 million. "The Rp50 million for this LNC is from my own personal money. I also give this on my own initiative," he said. In the follow-up trial of the three defendants in the 2022 Unila New Student Admission (PMB) bribery case, namely Karomani, Heryandi, and M Basri, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to present five witnesses, but only three were present, namely the Head of the Unila Budiono Internal Control Unit (SPI), the Dean of the Unila Faculty of Agriculture Irwan Sukri Banuwa, and the Dean of FMIPA Unila Suripto Dwi Yuwono. Meanwhile, the two witnesses who were scheduled but were not present at the trial were the Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Research and Technology Dikti Tjijik Sri Tjahjandarie and Syiah Kuala University Lecturer Ahmad Nizam.

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