BANTEN - The Banten National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) found Lebak fishermen who used KM Dimas on Camara Island, Pangkalan Cikalong, Tasikmalaya, West Java in a safe condition. This fisherman named Usman has been adrift in the middle of the South Sea for five days. "The victim is known to be Usman (52) a resident of Binuangeun, Lebak Regency is now at the Cikalong Police, Tasikmalaya," said Head of Banten Basarnas Adil Triyanto in his statement in Lebak, Antara, Tuesday, January 31. Usman menabhodai KM Dimas sendiri untuk melurus dengan kondisi gelombang cukup tinggi. Namun, setelah berada di laut, KM Dimas mengalami kehabisan bahan bakar minyak (BBM), sehingga menekan ke pesisir perairan Cihara dengan memasang anchor. The victim contacted his son named Seli (25) to inform his colleague to help deliver fuel supplies. However, he said, the victim lost contact with the victim and the position of the ship was dragged by high waves. Thus, his family members reported losing contact with the victim to Polairud Binuangeun officers, involving the joint SAR team. "We conducted a search in Lebak waters and the fifth day it was found and the search was stopped," said Adil. Currently, the victim is at the Cikalong Police, Tasikmalaya in a safe and healthy condition. "Today we and our families will pick them up to the Cikalong Police, Tasikmalaya," he explained.

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