JAKARTA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government allocated around Rp75 billion this year for the improvement or construction of environmental roads in all regencies and cities in the local area.

"There are quite a lot of roads. There are almost 100 activities or packages with a budget of around Rp75 billion," said Head of the Central Kalimantan Housing, Settlement and Land Office (Disperkimtan) Erlin Hardi in Palangka Raya, Monday, January 30.

The construction of environmental roads is spread across all regencies and cities, in accordance with various development proposals submitted by the community, either through deliberation of development plans (musrenbang) or others.

"Environmental roads, yes, if the big roads are not us. We will adjust the proposal, including from the musrenbang and others," he said as quoted by Antara.

According to him, the development and improvement of the quality of environmental roads is also an implementation of Governor Sugianto Sabran's commitment to development to be carried out evenly in various fields throughout Central Kalimantan.

He hopes that the increasing quality of environmental roads will provide many benefits to the community, one of which makes it easier for them when carrying out various activities.

"The environmental roads built in 2023 are proposals to the governor or provincial government, and are grants in nature," he said.

All environmental roads built or improved have gone through the verification stage by the Central Kalimantan Disperkimtan. The purpose of verification is so that development runs optimally and prevents overlapping work or construction in the same location.

He hopes that the increasing number of environmental roads whose conditions continue to improve can support residents in their activities and help improve their welfare.

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