JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is considered to have a number of homework in 2021. Among them are arresting fugitives, and increasing the number of prosecution to provide a deterrent effect on corruptors.

At the end of 2020, through a press conference for the 2020 KPK Performance, KPK Deputy Chairperson Nawawi Pomolango said 109 suspects had been named, including two former ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, namely Edhy Prabowo who served as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and Juliari Peter Batubara who was Minister of Social Affairs. captured in different hand-catching operations (OTT).

"This year, the KPK has named 109 people as suspects from the 91 investigation warrants that we have issued," said Nawawi.

In addition, he also explained that the KPK had conducted 111 investigations, 75 prosecutions, 92 cases were declared irregular, and 108 cases had been executed.

Nawawi also detailed a number of achievements at the KPK Investigation Directorate throughout 2020, namely the achievements of the second phase case or the submission of suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor (JPU), totaling 78 cases. Meanwhile, there are 130 ongoing cases with details of 67 cases being carry-over and 63 cases published this year.

Furthermore, the number of people questioned by KPK investigators in all cases currently reaches 5,616 witnesses and 160 suspects. Meanwhile, searches in the process of handling cases in the year were carried out 53 times and as many as 161 confiscations were carried out.

"Then for the arrest and detention of the suspect carried out in 2020 as many as 11 people for arrest and 108 for detention," he said.

Have an incomplete task

In the same press conference, Nawawi said that the KPK has a number of tasks that must be completed, including pursuing a number of criminals who are still at large. Of the 10 fugitives, only 3 have been arrested, namely former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law who is a private party, namely Rezky Herbiyono; and Hiendra Soenjoto who is the gratification provider for Nurhadi and his son-in-law.

Meanwhile, 7 others who have not been caught are Harun Masiku who is a former PDI-P candidate who bribed the former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan; Kirana Kotama who is a suspect in the 2014 procurement case for the SSV vessel for the Philippine government that involved PT PAL; and Sjamsul Nursalim and his wife, Itjih Nursalim, who were suspects in the BLBI case.

Then, Izil Azhar who was caught in the case of the Aceh Governor's gratification for the 2007-2012 period; Surya Darmadi, who has been caught in a bribery case related to the conversion of forest functions in Riau Province; and Samin Tan, who gave bribes to former DPR RI member Eni Maulani Saragih in the Riau-1 PLTU case.

Not only that, the KPK also has cases in arrears, namely the alleged corruption of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL) with suspects Sjamsul Nursalim and Itjih Nursalim; case of alleged corruption in the procurement of three units of Quay Container Crane (QCC) at PT Pelindo II with the suspect, former President Director of PT Pelindo II, RJ Lino.

Then, the case of alleged bribery for the management of Interim replacement (PAW) of DPR members with the suspect former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku; and the case of alleged corruption in the e-KTP project with the suspect President Director of PT Shandipala Arthaputra, Paulus Tanos.

In the SKL BLBI case, Nawawi stated that the KPK would try to complete the investigation of Sjamsul and Itjih who had been fugitives since mid-2019. This is because the Supreme Court (MA) through the Kasasi decision has released the former Head of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA), Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung from the punishment of the case.

"The decision to release the defendant from all legal charges (onslag van alle rechtsvervolging) resulted in two suspects still in the process of being investigated. Investigators are still trying to resolve the case," said Nawawi.

For the corruption case at PT Pelindo II, the KPK faces obstacles in calculating state financial losses. This is because the company from China, Wuxi Huangdong Heavy Machinery (HDHM), which is implementing the project, is reluctant to submit the QCC price documents they sell to PT Pelindo II.

In an effort to overcome these obstacles, the KPK is collaborating with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to calculate state financial losses and they have received a state loss calculation report from the BPK related to maintenance pending the completion of the calculation of losses related to the procurement of QCC.

Meanwhile, in the case of alleged PAW bribery, DPR members, Nawawi emphasized that the KPK is still trying to hunt down Harun Masiku who has been on the wanted list (DPO) or a fugitive since January 17, 2020. In an effort to hunt down Harun, the KPK continues to coordinate with the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. "And monitoring or monitoring the whereabouts of the suspect HM (Harun Masiku)," he explained.

Meanwhile, related to the e-KTP corruption case, the KPK experienced problems because Paulus Tanos was abroad. Paul is reportedly in Singapore. For this reason, the KPK is still looking for existence through coordinating with the Singapore anti-corruption agency or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

"In addition, (KPK) collaborated with PPATK to find out the flow of money and assets resulting from corruption from the suspects," said Nawawi.

Regarding the arrears above, the KPK emphasized that it would promise to solve it in 2021. This, said Nawawi, must be done so that the principles of legal certainty and justice can be achieved.

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Notes for the KPK

Regarding all the achievements of the prosecution that the KPK has described, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said there are several things that the anti-graft commission must do in 2021.

Among them are increasing their willingness to take action, including conducting hand-arrest operations (OTT) as an effort to eradicate corruption.

Moreover, based on ICW's notes that were conveyed in the agenda of 'One Year Evaluation of the KPK, Artificial Strengthening of Corruption Eradication', the KPK has many problems in the field of prosecution and the number of silent operations has dropped drastically from the previous year. Based on the data they have, the OTT in the Firli Bahuri era only happened seven times. Whereas in 2019 the KPK succeeded in conducting 21 OTTs, 2018 there were 30 OTTs, 2017 there were 19 OTTs, and 2016 there were 17 OTTs.

"Actually, we have a hard time hoping with the KPK today. ... However, if we really want to find the first solution, it is certain that the KPK must increase its willingness to catch hands," said Kurnia, quoted from the Anti-Corruption Casual Chat discussion activity that was broadcast on the Instagram account @ sahabaticw.

"So it is not only enthusiasm at the employee level but the leadership must also lead the KPK enforcement guard," he added.

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Meanwhile, regarding large case arrears and the search for fugitives, he said, the anti-corruption commission was asked to first solve its internal problems and the KPK Supervisory Board should be able to be more active in conducting evaluations. "Because if you refer to Article 37 of the new KPK Law, it is the supervisory board's job to evaluate the KPK," he said.

According to him, the role of Tumpak Hatorangan, cs as the KPK Supervisory Board must be maximized so that this institution can complete all their tasks. "If the supervisory board has the task of supervising, then he must supervise the duties of employees and leaders. So when there are many problems, the first thing to attend is that the supervisory board is included in ethics enforcement," he concluded.

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