The Ombudsman Representative of North Maluku (Malut) said that based on the assessment of the results of the public service survey during 2022, the five districts in the province were categorized as red zones, because the services were very low.

Head of the Ombudsman Representative for Malut Sofyan Ali said that in North Maluku Province no one has a high level of compliance with public service standards or is not yet in the green zone, even five districts are in the red zone or low service.

The five districts are Talibu Island, Morotai Island, West Halmahera, East Halmahera, and Central Halmahera, while five districts/cities and the North Maluku Provincial Government are in the yellow or medium zone.

He said, from the results of the lowest assessment, Taliabu Regency, namely 46.0 with low services in a number of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), such as at the Education Office, Social Service, Health Service. In a number of districts also have very low service in related OPDs.

Meanwhile, North Maluku's assessment has not been included in the green category or the best service, because it does not yet have the competence of implementation at the level of service to the public and the settlement of public complaints.

For this reason, he hopes that regencies or cities in North Maluku will have public services from all OPD, so that people have room to convey every problem during the service process.

Sofyan hopes that in 2023, the Ombudsman together with the local government in North Maluku will strive so that the provincial government can rise to a level at a high level of compliance, namely the green zone that is in accordance with the RPJMN target.

In his presentation, he said that the compliance of the North Maluku Government with public service standards is one indicator in the achievement of the RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development Design) in 2014-2019-2024, namely increasing government compliance with public service standards, both central and regional governments.

Therefore, Bappenas asked the Ombudsman that all ministries, institutions and local governments must be assessed to what extent their compliance is, so that since 2021, all local governments, both provincial and district or city throughout Indonesia, are assessed by the Ombudsman in the form of a survey on compliance with public service standards.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Maluku, KH Abdul Gani Kasuba, is committed to improving public services in responding to the results of compliance assessment by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of North Maluku.

"Currently, the North Maluku Provincial Government is entering the yellow zone. Therefore, we are committed to improving public service standards in 2023 to achieve a high level of compliance, namely the green zone," said the Governor of North Maluku.

The governor will encourage all OPDs to improve better public service standards. "Never ignore issues related to public services because this is very important," he said.

Therefore, he invited the OPD to be committed to improving public services, so that in 2023 the North Maluku Provincial Government can achieve a high level of compliance or a green zone.

On Wednesday, January 25, Governor Abdul Gani attended and received the results of the 2022 North Maluku Provincial Government's public service standard compliance assessment from the Head of the Malut Representative Ombudsman in Ternate City.

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