JAKARTA - The Central Sulawesi Regional Police are examining the Donggala Regent as a witness in the alleged corruption case for the 2020 Appropriate Technology (TTG) project.

"The Donggala Regent has been summoned and has fulfilled an invitation for an examination on Wednesday (January 25) morning at the Corruption Eradication Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus", said the Head of Penmas Public Relations Sub-Division for the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Sugeng Lestari, who was met in Palu, Thursday, January 26, reported by Antara.

Investigators asked 27 questions to the District Head of Donggala, Kasman Lassa. Previously, investigators had also summoned and examined the Head of the Donggala Perindakop Service, Hikma Lassa on Tuesday, January 26.

"It is his duty as a citizen to fulfill the investigator's summons and we have not received the latest developments after the first examination as a witness", he explained.

Regarding the corruption case, investigators have examined 362 witnesses, including 116 village heads and 32 sub-district heads.

"Investigators are also examining related regional apparatus organization (OPD) officials who handle the implementation of the TTG and the private sector", he said.

Sugeng acknowledged that no one had been named as a suspect yet because the calculation of state losses had not been reported and the documents were still being reviewed by the Central Sulawesi Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

"The basis for Corruption Eradication to conduct an investigation begins with the collection of documents, then goes to the investigation stage and there is an investigation using evidence or supporting documents used by investigators", said Sugeng.

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