JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP PPP Achmad Baidowi or Awiek revealed that the signal that there would be a re-shuffle or reshuffle of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet was getting stronger. However, it is still unknown which field minister will be removed.

"Yes, there will be another reshuffle. That's the information, indeed the indications are quite strong and we don't know who it is," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 25, confiscated by Antara.

Awiek did not know the details of when the reshuffle would be carried out by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He only knows that the head of state will run it.

"Yes, if we hear information, yes there is information that there will be a reshuffle. But only the president knows when," he said.

He said that the decision to reshuffle the cabinet was entirely the prerogative of the President. However, he said that the discussion on the cabinet reshuffle could come up in a meeting between the general chairmen of political parties (political parties) and President Jokowi.

"Of course the general chairman (ketum) of the party will discuss with the president or the president invites discussion of each party general chairman and several times in a few days the party chairmen meet the president, so it could be discussed there as well," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi asked all parties to wait for the reshuffle or reshuffle of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, whose issue had strengthened over the last few weeks.

"Wait," Jokowi said during his activities to inspect the Ciliwung River sewer project to the East Flood Canal, East Jakarta, Tuesday, January 24.

Jokowi did not say for sure when the cabinet reshuffle would be carried out. He was silent and left the reporters when asked whether a reshuffle would take place in February 2023.

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