Viral Pengamen Mencuruh Onani Di Permukiman Warga, Polisi Melakukan Penyelidikan
Illustration of street buskers led by officers/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A bookless singer carried out an exhibitionist action in Pengarengan Village, Cakung area, East Jakarta. Worse, the action was caught on camera until it went viral on social media.

In fact, the perpetrators were desperate to carry out their actions during the day in the midst of densely populated settlements. He was desperate to get his genitals out in front of a resident's house.

After being satisfied with sexual desire for irregularities, the perpetrator then fled. Meanwhile, residents around the location are worried that it will happen again. Residents hope that the perpetrators will be caught soon.

"It is very disturbed and restless. Because it is immoral that is not exemplary. The perpetrators areANGous buskers," Arif, a local resident, told reporters at the scene, Tuesday, January 24.

Meanwhile, Cakung Police Chief Kompol Syarifah Chaira said his party would immediately follow up on the viral video.

"We will check," said Kompol Syarifah.

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